
About Institute -> History

The National Institute of Laser Science was established in 1994 with the aim of developing and innovating in the field of laser science and its applications. It has become a distinguished center at the local and regional levels, as well as with the recognition of many international bodies. The Institute seeks continuous development and innovation in the field of laser science and has a distinguished group of faculty members and researchers in this field who have contributed to many high-level research and inventions of strategic value to the international community in general and the Egyptian community. Among the Institute’s goals are:

1.    Conducting studies and research related to laser science and its applications and developing laser systems and their uses in various fields, especially those that have a direct impact on community service and development.

2.     Granting academic degrees in laser science and technology and its applications at the diploma, master’s, Doctor of Philosophy, and Doctor of Science levels.

3.    Introducing modern technology in basic and applied laser science and its uses in the medical, engineering, industrial, agricultural, environmental, communications and other purposes for which lasers are used.

4.     Setting standards for codifying the use of laser devices in all fields based on the following axes:

§  First: Ensuring the efficient operation of laser devices and their compliance with specifications, while providing the necessary expertise in calibration and follow-up.

§  Second: Ensuring the competence of users of laser devices by providing specialized training courses

§  Third: Ensuring the availability of necessary safety conditions in places where laser devices are used in accordance with internationally recognized rules and conditions.

5.     Qualifying and preparing scientific cadres specialized in the field of laser science and its applications at the institute.

6.     Establishing specialized centers to achieve the following:

§  Providing scientific and technical consultations and assistance to bodies and entities that use lasers in Egypt and abroad.

§  Contributing to the design, construction, and maintenance of laser devices for all parties that use them.

§  Training scientific and technical personnel from various universities, institutions, institutes, and state sectors that use laser devices in their various activities.


Within the framework of the Institute’s previous objectives:

1.     Supporting distinguished joint projects between researchers at the Institute and research bodies at the local and global levels.

2.     Contributing to the service and development of society by providing distinguished services in the field of laser technology, treatment and diagnosis. In this context, the Institute is always working to develop service units in the field of maintenance, design, manufacturing and calibration of laser devices, as well as providing the latest devices used in the field of medical laser applications.

3.     Develop curricula and scientific theses in line with the increasing scientific development in the field of laser technology.


About Institute->History