Institute Library

Research -> Institute Library









About the Library

Library dates back to 1985, where he was affiliated to the Faculty of Science, then resigned in 1994 with the issuance of the decision to establish the institute.
Library is one of the distinctive features of the Institute for its research services to students and researchers from inside and outside the Institute, and witnessed the constant updating in resources and systems, office and research. Institute Library is one of the specialized and unique in the Middle East libraries, where includes many books and foreign references and scientific journals, theses and research specialized in lasers and applications Science conferences in various fields (such as medicine, industry, science, communications, the environment, agriculture, energy and other fields in which uses laser) . This is in addition to a number of scientific journals and theses pictured on microfiche, so they serve a wide range of teaching staff and researchers at the Institute and the universities and research centers nationwide.
Library located on the first floor of the Institute on an area of 183 m, one hall and open shelves tracking system.
The library contains books, magazines, theses, conferences and microfilm and microfiche and computer discs and cylinders CD ROM

Indexing and Classification System

Library use the Anglo-American cataloging rules in their holdings, and follow the global DEWEY DECIMAL classification rating plan in collectibles.

Automated System for Library

Library rely on sophisticated automated system (aLIS) of the Centre for Information and Decision Support Council of Ministers, and the order in Asdarth first whipped allows recording blood data and follow-up patrols and record foreign metaphors, and an inventory of vessels, also allows search several entrances (author - title - Multi -ssalh - publisher ...)
Was also participate in Egyptian libraries network database to view the contents of the library through the site:

As has been Participating in digital libraries as it allows the researcher learning of the large number of scientific journals with the possibility of obtaining the required free articles.

Library staff

Library Manager (Master of Science in Library and Information).
Number three librarians.
  Assistant Librarian.
  One worker
Beneficiaries of the library
Scholars, researchers and faculty members Institute.
Scholars and researchers from colleges and other inside Cairo University and other universities and research centers nationwide.
Services offered by the library
Guidance to the researchers by their specialties Tguetnyh Library of vessels of different information.
Viewing Homeland for all visitors to the library.
  Provide imaging for all library holdings Service
  Ongoing briefing for researchers all contained the library of new vessels in various disciplines: a briefing beneficiaries of all that is new in the various disciplines, and through the work of the Library lists new additions and distributed to the sections and put a copy of it on the plate library ads.
  Find in a library collection through automatic index on the computer system (aLIS) and that of several entrances: Starter - Author - Publisher - No. Classification - series ... etc.
Foreign borrowing of books for faculty institute.
Access to the library database on the Internet within the Egyptian Libraries Network, at the following address:
Search for the provision of electronic journals, letters and books through the full text of the Supreme Council of Universities any access to global databases such as network Science Direct

Digital libraries, where the researcher research and found a large number of scientific journals with access to the articles required can free through access to the Egyptian Universities Network.

Research->Institute Library