Laser Safety Certification for Doctors

Time : 10:00:00

Date : 2024-01-16

The Laser Technology Center announces that a laser safety course for doctors will be held on Sunday, January 28, 2024, as part of the requirements for obtaining a laser license certificate. The course will be held at the institute building on the Cairo University campus.... Detials

Workshop entitled: Nano pharmaceuticals in photodynamic therapy.

Time : 10:00:00

Date : 2023-12-17

The National Institute of Laser Sciences - Cairo University announces a workshop entitled: Nano pharmaceuticals in photodynamic therapy. The workshop will be held in person at the institute’s headquarters at Cairo University on Sunday, December 17, 2023. More information regarding the workshop schedule and key speakers will be presented successively on the institute’s Facebook page ... Detials

NILES Doctors visited Dar Al-Orman for orphans

Time : 11:00:00

Date : 2015-01-15

A team of doctors of the National Institute for Laser Science visited Dar Al-Orman for orphans on Saturday, January 10, 2015... Detials

A seminar on "First Aid for Children"

Time : 12:00:00

Date : 2015-01-05

A seminar was held on "First Aid for Children" on December 7, 2014 by Dr. / Jehan El-Sharnouby, Lecturer, Department of Medical Laser Applications, NILES, Cairo University.... Detials

A seminar entitled "University Administration"

Time : 12:00:00

Date : 2015-01-05

A seminar entitled "University Administration" was held on December 24 by Dr. / Fatima Salem Mahmoud - assistant professor at the Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University, Department of Foundations of Education and expert on training and quality of education.... Detials

Faculty of Computers and Information - Cairo univeristy